english . 1a year and a half. . Here is my good night kiss for you. (). 1. 11. . . Im (really) worried about you. Really.
stay. .
weblio. .
dmmuknow?. Worrier; . . Understand know. . . . . image results. More images. weblio. I am worried that it may become a nuisance to you.
dmm. Worry. 10. .
. . english . A) i am worried about you. B) i worry about you. C) i am worrying about you. 3. . Worryim worrying about you.() Im sorry. . Here is my good night kiss for you. . . weblio. . (). 1. . ?
dmmuknow?. I'm a worrywart. Worrywart . stay safe. . . . dmmuknow. Worry. . . stay. .
Message For
weblio. . . . . I am worried that it may become a nuisance to you. 13. . . . . 1. i worry aboutim worried about . I worry about you. I worry about the future all the time..