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11. Wish you both live happily ever after. ()Wish you both love and happiness for many years to come. ()Hope you both share a long and happy life together.

11. 11. . . 32 . . weblio. Weblio > > > . . I am happy we went out.. image results. More images. 10 . We can have peace if we let go of wanting to change the past and wanting to control the future.

dmm. "I wish you (both) happiness for many years to come" "for many years to come" "happiness" . goo . 1 happiness happyi wish you every happiness!2 good fortune lucky; fortunate () luckily; happily; fortunatelyhe is fortunate to have [in having] good friends. 80. 11. Wish you both live happily ever after. ()Wish you both love and happiness for many years to come. ()Hope you both share a long and happy life together. dmmuknow?. "Share"share. . Im happy.

4. 4.

. Chance luck / lucky fortune / fortunate . goo . 1 happiness happyi wish you every happiness!2 good fortune lucky; fortunate () luckily; happily; fortunatelyhe is fortunate to have [in having] good friends. 80. " weblio. Her love of food gives her the strength to live and make the people around her happy. 15 . Happy 16 . . 9231001 i believe there are three different 3 i call them different because different interventions build them, its possible to have one rather than the other three different happy lives.

. Chance luck / lucky fortune / fortunate .

10. . 4. 4. . 20171014 . 32 . Happy. !!. !! Part 6. . . . (Happy) . 11. 11.

weblio. "" As for auspicious occasion , on the contrary , some send hikidemono gifts of wedding reception banquet in the sense of delivering a share of happiness . . 9231001 i believe there are three different 3 i call them different because different interventions build them, its possible to have one rather than the other three different happy lives. weblio. Weblio > > > . 590 bygmo. 590 3. !!. 1. dmmuknow?. "Share"share.
